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Order Helpline 01752 422 501

Modern Slavery Act

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Last updated: February 2025



In accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, this statement outlines our efforts to identify and address any potential modern slavery risks within our businesses and supply chains. As a UK-based company with over £36 million in global annual revenue, we have a responsibility under this legislation to report on the actions taken to recognise, mitigate, and remedy actual and prospective modern slavery concerns throughout our operations and supplier network. The information provided relates to activities undertaken during the 2024 financial year. 

Organisational Structure and Supply Chains  

This statement covers the activities of the following companies in the “Group”:  

  • CMOStores.com Ltd.  
  • Building Superstore  
  • Door Superstore  
  • Drainage Superstore  
  • GoodBuild Superstore  
  • Insulation Superstore  
  • Landscaping Superstore  
  • Plumbing Superstore  
  • Roofing Superstore  
  • Tile Superstore  
  • Total Tiles Ltd.  
  • Click Basin 

CMO Group PLC provides the convenience of online retail, with a vast range of products available to customers delivered direct to home or to builders on-site whilst supported by a market leading customer service offering. The group operates in several locations across the United Kingdom.  


As a group we do not carry out detailed checks to test suppliers’ compliance with company standards against trafficking and slavery throughout the entirety of their own supply chain.  The group does, however, require suppliers to certify that they comply with our Supplier Guidelines and Requirements; these include the need to make sure that their own chains are compliant, and the results of that certification are audited.  Any breaches of this statement may result in CMO terminating its relationship with a supplier. 


CMO only employs people who are legally allowed to work in the United Kingdom with employee’s eligibility to work status validated in line with current legislation. These checks are completed prior to employment, any person who is unable to provide documentation will have their application terminated. 

Agency Workers  

CMO only use reputable employment agencies. Prior to accepting agency work, a contract is signed which states terms and conditions, along with how they practise as an agency. All agency workers are fully trained when they come to CMO.  

Communication and training  

All CMO employees are aware of our position on modern slavery and human trafficking and complete annual Modern Slavery training.   


High Risk Activities

CMO considers that the current risk of modern slavery associated with its supply chains is low and there are no activities within the Group that are at high risk of slavery or human trafficking.    

Through the Supplier Guidelines and Requirements the Group aims to make sure that all suppliers report on their compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.  Actions will be taken in the event of a breach of these guidelines.  



Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement  

This is the responsibility of the CEO.  This statement is reviewed annually and reissued in January of each year, with the most recent version published on the company websites.  


CMO policies are owned by the specific departments within the business. Working alongside the HR team to ensure CMO are fully compliant with UK & Republic of Ireland employment legislation.  


All concerns raised will be investigated and appropriate action will be taken as required. The Human Resources Team will deal with any employee breaches of this statement and our QA and Product Compliance Coordinator will manage any supplier breaches of this statement. 



This statement will be reviewed annually and has been approved by Dean Murray - CMO Group PLC Chief Executive Officer. 







To download our current Modern Slavery statement please click here. Our previous versions can be viewed below: